Featured Artist of the Month: Lori Hartzell
Art has been an outlet for me as far back as I can remember. Growing up in a very rural area leaves much time to be creative and imaginative. I am very fortunate to have had a family who supported my desire for art early on. I thank my Grandmothers and Great Aunt for inspiring me as I grew. For that reason, I think it is so important we encourage our children to use their imaginations and nurture their creativity.
I have had no formal education. I am self-taught, still learning as I go. I find I paint and see things differently everyday. In my world I see things in layers and sections. Then putting them all together on my canvas, which might be a slate, ironing board, a screen, spoon, ice skates, or anything else that will hold my paint. I love taking old items and turning them into future heirlooms. You know, one man’s trash, another man’s treasure. I like acrylics because I don’t like to wait for the finished product, instant gratification.
Since most of my shows are the latter part of the year, I tend to focus on fall and winter art. These are also my favorite subjects to paint. Sometimes I use children’s books, vintage, and retro art for references. I try to give you a feeling of nostalgia and stir up child-like excitement. You remember that feeling of anticipation for Santa to come. I do paint other subjects as well, such as, wild life, scenery, portraits of people, pets, homes, etc. I tell customers I will paint anything on just about everything.
I hope you enjoy my art and it gives you the inspiration to make this a jolly season. Merry Christmas!
You can contact me at (814) 797-2489, Email: yourpersonalizedpainting@yahoo.com, or find me on Facebook under Personalized Painting by Lori Hartzell.